Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ray Bradbury's 'Dandelion Wine' Latest for 'Black Swan' Producer

Happy Birthday, Ray Bradbury, author of The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, A Sound of Thunder and, perhaps most famously, Fahrenheit 451.  And what better way to celebrate turning 91 than with official news of your semi-autobiographical novel Dandelion Wine heading to the big screen?  
First published in full in 1957, Dandelion Wine is actually a collection of short stories that mostly revolve around a 12-year old boy living in 1928 small town America discovering a wondrous world, and his place in it, for the first time.  It's a meditation on that pivotal summer we all experienced as young boys and girls; that one summer where the bright sun made everything seem magical, where you first realized that people weren't only mortal, but that they were interesting because they're mortal.  Or, in the words of Bradbury himself, "Dandelion Wine is my most deeply personal work and brings back memories of sheer joy as well as terror. This is the story of me as a young boy and the magic of an unforgettable summer which still holds a mystical power over me."
Black Swan producer Mike Medavoy, who has apparently held a fascination with the novel ever since adapting it as a film student in Soviet Russia years ago, and his producing partner Doug McKay will be shepherding the production alongside Bradbury and the husband and wife team of Natasha Shliapnikoff and Rodion Nahapetov, with the latter being the one actually penning the screenplay.

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